Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Quizzes =P

Your Autumn Test Results

You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm.

When you're happiest, you are outgoing and expressive . You love celebrations, and you enjoy showing off a little.

You embrace change. You love change. You see change as a rebirth.

You find solitude to be the most comforting thing in the world. Being alone with your thoughts feels very peaceful.

Your ideal day is spent in contemplation. You enjoy a quiet day where you can take time to think and day dream.

You are nostalgic. You can't truly appreciate something until it has come and gone.

The Autumn Test

You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace...

You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in

Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.

What Season Are You?

You Are Changing Leaves

Pretty, but soon dead.

Well thats kinda...okay... =P
You Are Best Described By...

Landscape With Butterflies

By Salvador Dali

Cool! =)
You Are 16% Texas

Damn Yankee! You think the sun comes up just to hear you crow.

HAHAHA!!! I love that one! Taylor would kno y =)


31 comment(s):

lone poet said...

You Are Best Described By...

Jeune Fille Vert
By Tamara De Lempicka
u'd be suprised. i can lie better than you think, u would never no either, but i can only lie wen i feel like i need 2, so wen i dont need 2, i'm just really suckinsh at it haha, lucky 4 ya'll i dont usually lie, but ya'll never ask questions that would make me want 2 lie, well, usually not, maybe a few times some people have :P and i lied, very well actually, they bought it hahahahaha, suckers
and yes the last quiz was very true for me

lone poet said...

i'm 80% texan you yankee!!!!

lone poet said...

damn yakees :P tryin' 2 take over the worl' haha, with all ya'll techi stuff and buildings

lone poet said...

i say ya'll all the time, and fixin' to, its a 'down south' type thing, ya'll yankees up north wouldnt get it, ya'll so proper

lone poet said...

i've lived here my whole life!!!! coarse i say stuff like that, i ue=sed 2 say out yonder!!!! i'm getting better yankee!!!

lone poet said...

haha, sure u wont thats wat everybody says, but u wont be able 2 help it, pretty soon u'll be talkin like me yankee i'm gonna call u that from now on ' yankee'

lone poet said...

and ur a slow yankee

lone poet said...

now wat kinda yankee lives in TEXAS!?!!!!!

lone poet said...

u like it here and u no it

lone poet said...

i've been 2 new york, and it much better here

lone poet said...

wrong!!! it wasnt on a bus!!! it was in the hotel lobby and it got totally quiet and i turned around and everybody was staring at me!!! u and eves dropping!!! not a likable thing u no!!!

lone poet said...

EVES DROPPERS!!!!! i dont get wat the problem with saying supper, coke instead of soda, fixin', ya'll or anything else is, its not a big deall!!!

lone poet said...

watever ur in Texas now!!! so get with the program!!!!

lone poet said...

ha!!!!!! sure u will, u'll come 2 the good side, i no it!!!! i can feel it in my bones yankee!!!!

lone poet said...

thats the dark side yankee, u were just raised 2 think yankees are better than us

lone poet said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha ya sure I talk funny!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha, good one

lone poet said...

hahahahahahahahahaha, ok ok!!! i get it!!!

lone poet said...

i dont sound THAT ridiculous do i?

lone poet said...

you can get away with sayin just bout anything as long as you say 'bless ur heart' here :P i love it

lone poet said...

sure, believe watever u like, i'm the one who talks funny, if thats wat u wish, then keep on dreaming in ur own little world :P

lone poet said...

i totally 4got wat u said

lone poet said...

o ya!!!! i's 4got but now i member!!! i can 2 not say ya'll 4 a whole day!!!

lone poet said...

ur only talkin' 2 1 person!!!! no need 2 say ya'll!!! yakee, cant even figure out wen 2 say it!!!!! lol

lone poet said...

can 2!!!!!!

lone poet said...

haha, i'm gonna give u a proper texan grammer lesson

lone poet said...

haha, it aint that bad once u get used 2 it

lone poet said...

haha, with the way u talk, how could i 4get?

lone poet said...

haha, good, i dont want u 2 4get. i'm a true texan, its just who i am

lone poet said...

hahahaha, a true new yorker in texas!!! hahahahahaha, i believe ya anyway

lone poet said...

yes, it pissing me off, haha, ok not really but ur definantly getting that lesson and texas talk now

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